MCC SALT Tanzania

I am volunteering in Musoma, Tanzania until July 2009 with a MCC (Mennonite Central Committee) program named SALT: Serving and Learning Together. SALT is a unique year-long cross-cultural immersion experience for Christian young adults from the United States and Canada. (For further information, go to

I am working as an ESL Teacher at the Mennonite Theological College of Eastern Africa. The College offers a unique two-year certificate or three-year diploma program for church and community leaders in the region. As part of my placement, I will be taking on various other projects to be decided upon my arrival.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

French Toast and Burritos, TZ style!

I finally convinced my host mum to let me into her cooking domain and give her a day off. I made sure to pass on a detailed shopping list in Kiswahili to my host father several days before so they would know what to buy. Saturday morning arrived and I whipped up a storm in the kitchen using the kerosene jiko and squatting on a stool, flipping French Toast. It was all very entertaining for my host siblings who had never seen me cook before. They loved the French Toast and my host mum promised to try making it herself next week.
Next up were the burritos. For this meal I enlisted the help of my host siblings. They’re experts at starting a charcoal fire in the jikos and it’s not something I’m too familiar with. Everyone had their task: Neema was in charge of the beans, Paschal took over the rice, and Neema, Clara, and I started on the chapatti. We had a great time cooking together and listening to Paschal, aka Mr. Bean, tell silly jokes and stories. My host mum was seriously impressed with how well we did. Her kids don’t often get a chance to cook because she prefers doing it herself.
The best part was watching them each attempt to create their very first burrito. I had to explain the concept of rolling the chapatti before eating it. I demonstrated and they followed suit. When they realized they’d have to pick up the burrito to eat it, they broke out in laughter. Eventually, everyone got the hang of it. It got very messy but they were all game for seconds! My host father declared it a delicious meal and let me know he was no longer concerned about Dan starving once we’re married. My cooking skills passed his test :-)


Dan said...

I'm glad to hear your host dad has given you the's nice to know that I'm not the only one who loves your cooking;) My concern isn't's putting on weight:)

Anonymous said...

HI Veren!

I look forward to you continuing with your cooking skills at home!Chipatti is the first order od the day when you have time in your busy schedule!