MCC SALT Tanzania

I am volunteering in Musoma, Tanzania until July 2009 with a MCC (Mennonite Central Committee) program named SALT: Serving and Learning Together. SALT is a unique year-long cross-cultural immersion experience for Christian young adults from the United States and Canada. (For further information, go to

I am working as an ESL Teacher at the Mennonite Theological College of Eastern Africa. The College offers a unique two-year certificate or three-year diploma program for church and community leaders in the region. As part of my placement, I will be taking on various other projects to be decided upon my arrival.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Safari Part III: Nairobi/ Tanzania

The final leg of our journey took us back to Nairobi and our day-long layover was spent sleeping in, shopping, and touring the DIGUNA station outside Nairobi. We met some of Martin’s co-workers, including the man who was best man at my parents’ wedding nearly 30 years ago! We boarded our late night bus and began the long trip to TZ. 15 hours, one border crossing, three long stops, and a police incident later, we were in Musoma. (For the curious ones, two passengers on our bus accused a third of stealing their money. Turns out the two were con men and, once everything was said and done, we were back on the road and they were sitting in a cell.) We had two hours to rest before catching a bus to Mugumu. Talk about a road trip! All day Sunday was spent in the Serengeti searching for any and every animal. We saw 16 different kinds – Mum had me write a list. We saw lots of hippo, in and out of the water, a huge herd of buffalo, ostriches, zebras, giraffes... It was my second Serengeti trip and I was still amazed at the variety and beauty of these creatures. God is pretty creative! Kurtis and Carla had us over for dinner and Mum shared all of her African experiences, especially the Serengeti safari. We had two days in Musoma/ Nyabange with my host family. We squeezed in a short walking tour of Musoma Town, a stroll down to Lake Victoria, visits with some of my co-workers, and time with my host family. It was tough saying goodbye to Mum at the Mwanza airport. I managed to keep my tears to a minimum but Mum couldn’t hold back and that just got me going. Thank goodness for sunglasses!

What an incredible journey filled with memories that will last a lifetime! I am so thankful that God kept me/ us safe the entire way. There were no major hitches and all the travel arrangements went smoothly. Thank-you for your prayers! I know God was looking out for me and I was blessed with great travel buddies – Theo, Pete, Mum.

Mum, thanks for coming out and visiting me. Definitely one of the top highlights of my SALT year!

1 comment:

Steph said...

Sounds amazing Ver! Can't wait to see you and all your photos! So glad you were safe :)Miss you!!