MCC SALT Tanzania

I am volunteering in Musoma, Tanzania until July 2009 with a MCC (Mennonite Central Committee) program named SALT: Serving and Learning Together. SALT is a unique year-long cross-cultural immersion experience for Christian young adults from the United States and Canada. (For further information, go to

I am working as an ESL Teacher at the Mennonite Theological College of Eastern Africa. The College offers a unique two-year certificate or three-year diploma program for church and community leaders in the region. As part of my placement, I will be taking on various other projects to be decided upon my arrival.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

A Teacher's Work Is Never Done

As we near the end of Mid-Term Week here at MTCEA, I have gained a new appreciation for the teaching profession. My experiences thus far have taught me that:

After pouring hours of your time into preparing for the next day's class, you may (on occasion) experience some disappointment when your well-thought out lesson plan is received with blank stares and confusion. My remedy: go back and revise, revise, revise! It may be that your ingenious approach was simply the wrong one for your students.

You may arrive in class on time only to find that your students are despondent, absent, or very late. My remedy: still working on it…

A teacher's reward is the glimmer of understanding that appears on a struggling student's face or the eagerness with which your class grasps a new concept or their exuberance when debating hot topics and trying their level best to express their opinions with burning passion.

These are some of the ups and downs of teaching ESL in Tanzania to young men and women who will be the leaders of their local churches and communities; short-term struggles that will lead to long-term gains!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the great work! You're doing awesome!!