MCC SALT Tanzania

I am volunteering in Musoma, Tanzania until July 2009 with a MCC (Mennonite Central Committee) program named SALT: Serving and Learning Together. SALT is a unique year-long cross-cultural immersion experience for Christian young adults from the United States and Canada. (For further information, go to

I am working as an ESL Teacher at the Mennonite Theological College of Eastern Africa. The College offers a unique two-year certificate or three-year diploma program for church and community leaders in the region. As part of my placement, I will be taking on various other projects to be decided upon my arrival.

Saturday, August 16, 2008


I have posted my mailing address for Tanzania on the left side of my blog. Our Country Representatives have let us know that sending letters is not a problem. However, any sorts of packages should be small, no larger than the size of two or three books. Example: they received a Christmas package from home a few weeks ago.
I look forward to hearing from all of you as you read my blog updates and rest assured, i will do my best to answer any and all emails as internet access allows it.

1 comment:

Eva - SALT Coordinator said...

Hey, Verena. Just wanted to confirm that you are not only my newest best friend, but you are very quickly becoming our STAR SALTer as well. With such an unexpected and quick turn around in assignment location, you have certainly won the laurels for flexibility and with your sending me your blog address among the first ones from the flock, you are winning the price for reliability and thoughtfulness. Not speaking that you have forced me actually to become a "google head" in order to be able to post this post. Who says that "you cannot teach old dogs new tricks/!" You have taught me a new one right now, so that earns you the SALT Teacher title for the month as well. Take care. We are happy to have you with us.